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Linking Calwell: March 15th, 2012

Total Commander 7.57a Released  – This great file manager that we’ve covered here in the past was updated (naturally under the radar). The update is free for all registered users of the application and includes a few bug fixes. Details of all the updates are found in the HISTORY.TXT file that accompanies the release.

Microsoft Research demos high-performance touch – A video that seems to be everywhere right now, Paul Deiz talks about touchscreen lag and fails to mention the one touch screen device everyone is thinking of (I mean, don’t they do research?). I could not find any reliable information about the touchscreen latency of an iPad, on the Internet – I wonder if anyone knows?

RIM has released a Playbook Keyboard – The $120 accessory comes as part of a case for Research in Motion’s flagship tablet product. RIM is really playing catch-up here. I do say though, it does look slick. Pre-orders are being accepted for a late-March ship date.

Canadian wireless spectrum auction and ownership rules  – The Canadian government this week made some key decisions in the Wireless Services market. It appears the smaller carriers Mobilicity and WIND mobile are split on plans to bid for available spectrum. Mobilicity is going to be aggressive, while WIND is throwing in the towel. Lots of fallout from this decision – none more obvious than how late it’s all coming together.

Twitter acquires blog platform Posterous – Could this be Twitter’s plan to allow longer tweets? It will be interesting to see how Posterus factors into the Twitter ecosystem and whether we see a mass exodus of users from there.

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