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New: Elphi Is A Great Way To Control Power Outlets

ElphiMore and more I’m seeing all sorts of incredible ideas come to life in the form of Kickstarter projects. Kickstarter (for those that have never heard of it) is a site that lets creators of projects and ideas put the ideas out to the public for funding. If the project doesn’t meet its funding goal, the people that put in money are not charged and the process starts again. Not only is this a great idea, but it’s breeding ground for some truly amazing ideas and devices (I came across the Glif on Kickstarter – here’s my take). This time, I’ve found an amazing power control and monitoring device called Elphi. Let’s take a look.

The promise of a power control and monitoring device is somewhat dry, yes, but it has also been a technology that’s been rather elusive on the market. Many times I have wondered if my computer at home was on, if I might have left the stove running or have wanted to do various things with power plugs. In all of the technology we’re using, we still have little or no control over what drives them – the power.

This is where Elphi comes in. It’s a device that sits in the wall socket and then you plug something into it. From there, you connect and register the device on Elphi’s cloud servers. Once registered the mobile application lets you control and monitor that power port. It seems like such a simple idea, but it’s an idea that has a number of interesting possibilities.

In addition to those mentioned in this video, here are some ways I can see device being useful:

I’m sure there are countless ways this can (and will be) used in the future as it matures. The idea of being able to assert control over power by simple and cost effective means may provide the kind of home automation that many look for, but don’t need in more expensive solutions. Here are the official features of the device as it stands now:

As it stands, the Elphi Kickstarter project is woefully underfunded in their goal to reach $90,000. If you’re looking for a project to get into and fund, this would be a great one to consider. Elphi’s funding window is only open until Friday June 29 at 12:28AM EDT so you’ll want to get on it right away.

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