
Facebook Pages Are Changing. Are you ready?

Facebook-LogoYou may not have been aware, but today – Marc 30, 2012 – the Timeline feature become effective on all Facebook Pages. Although I’m sure Facebook doesn’t like to use the word “forced”, I’m sure you can figure out how things turn out if you don’t want the timeline. You might have noticed CWL’s Facebook page was on timeline before the switch (you had the option to opt-in early), but I imagine many are just going to have the take the pain. Are you ready for these changes?

Of particular note are Facebook’s page guidelines. If you are new to working with brand pages on Facebook, it’s well worth a read. The biggest thing to note, is that that Facebook reserves the right to take down your page for any reason. That’s not a particularly reassuring fact, but it is something you’ll have to think about before you think of using a brand name another company might be using. I can think of the possible minefield surrounding the use of the word “windows” in any Facebook page.

Also, if you’re really into reading legalese, you can check out Advertising GuidelinesCommunity StandardsStatement of Rights and Responsibilities, and the Data Use Policy. Facebook seems to be lacking a policy for what to do when you head explodes from reading all of this stuff.

So, the rather spartan (and in need of some TLC) Calwell Facebook page is a great place to go if you’re on Facebook a lot and want updates about blog articles. Be sure to drop in and “Like” us.