
New: FolderChangesView Monitors Changes To A Folder

It is the rule when supporting any major operating system, that more tools, the better. In the case of trying to understand what’s going on with a file system – there are options. Tools like the incredible Process Monitor give you a look at the file an registry operations on a machine. This generally works on the local computer and requires the use of filters (usually by process name) to get to more details. But, there is another way to watch changes to a file system that might be cleaner for what you’re after, It’s FolderChangesView.

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Free Software: BatchDBx

You may have come here from time-to-time to see blogs about technology or contests – but did you know that we write software too? There haven’t been too many updates on that front, but I’d like to add another (hopefully) useful utility that you can download and use. This is a little old – I know, but hasn’t been out there in some time.