Over the years, I’ve used the file manager in a number of different and novel ways. With every new update, the tool gets better and better. In parallel, I wrap a number of things around my copy of Total Commander to make it truly useful on machines I work with and operate. These details are […]
Clearly, a MAC OSX only tool is not being represented here. Well, for those fans of Total Commander (you know how I feel about that), I have a great OSX tool to show you today. This tool is a Open Source file manager created in the same light as Total Commander. As always, these tools are the kinds of utilities you’ll want to have access to every day if you’re a consultant or a power user.
The better of them are ones that provide the kind of flexibility that they become something entirely new. Those are the tools that I’m interested in, and the ones I want to write about. Very few of the tools I use fit into the category of “That great tool” – one of them, though, is Total Commander.