
2 MAJOR Things Microsoft Must Change In Its Flagship Products

Microsoft is a dominant player in two major software markets: Operating Systems (Windows) and Productivity Software (Office). This dominance, however, is being threatened on a number of fronts. Windows Vista was a major misstep for Microsoft and without Windows 7’s success, Mac and Linux derivatives would be gaining faster. With the changing market (resurgence of the Tablet), touch screens, and […]


Recovering data from Outlook OST files

If you look to Microsoft for the “Official” word on getting mail data out of the OST file, you’ll be met with “not possible” or “not supported” or some version of those words. In the world of IT, when you need to get at user’s mail data – “not possible” is not going to cut it. Here’s how you can get some (or all) the mail data out of OST files.

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