
THAT Great Tool: Ghost Imaging Software

As I look at Wikipedia’s page, it seems that Ghost has only been around since 1997 when it could only image a single partition. I’m sure when it was released, Ghost was a huge hit with IT guys and tech enthusiasts everywhere. Over the years, this application has changed quite a bit – but the core of what Ghost does is still all the more useful. That’s why Ghost deserves to be on the list of THAT great tool.


Decoding The Noise: Windows Storage Server 2008 R2

Some people think Microsoft releases so many products that when the information about them is needed, it’s impossible to find it. I tend to agree with that assessment, and finding information about the server product named Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 is a perfect example of this problem Microsoft has with releasing so many product versions and communicating little about them. So, let’s take a look at this and see what’s out there.


Consulting: Is The Customer Always Right?

I run a small business. I handle customer service and I’m also a customer to other businesses. Often, the phrase “The customer is always right” is mentioned in passing or sort of in jest when someone talks of a customer/business disagreement. There is actually a history to this phrase that dates back to the early 20th century. But I wanted to talk about whether, as a consultant and a business owner, is it really true that the customer is always right?


Opinion: Stop Griping! Email Is The Perfect Form Of Communication

To many, electronic mail seems to be the last thing they look forward to. In a typical day, I might see and hear so many people gripe about email that it starts getting to me too. There are “email zero” movements and people that help you manage email clutter – but what’s wrong with this picture? Email has to be one of the most perfect forms of communication we have. Proof of that is on it’s enduring longevity, but also in the many ways we use it today.