
300: A Milestone For Blogging CWL

Since moving this blog over to Blogger – and there have been a few changes over the years – This will mark my 300th post. That’s really not too shabby for something that lacked a general direction, ideas and any sort of audience not so long ago. This has meaning too, because we’re somewhere around the middle of the year and I can safely say it’s been the best year ever for this blog. So, join me as I take a look at some of the past, present, and the future of Blogging Calwell.


New: FolderChangesView Monitors Changes To A Folder

It is the rule when supporting any major operating system, that more tools, the better. In the case of trying to understand what’s going on with a file system – there are options. Tools like the incredible Process Monitor give you a look at the file an registry operations on a machine. This generally works on the local computer and requires the use of filters (usually by process name) to get to more details. But, there is another way to watch changes to a file system that might be cleaner for what you’re after, It’s FolderChangesView.

Microsoft Surface Logo

Is Microsoft The King Of Confusion?

This seems nuts to me that a company of so many can do it, but it speaks of a trend I’ve been seeing with Microsoft’s products that culminated with the newly released Surface tablet. I’m simply just baffled by some of the choices that are made surrounding some of the products. It’s almost as if the world had run out of names and Microsoft was the first to find out. Let’s take a look at this mess on the eve of what is considered one of


Microsoft Reveals New Tablet Named Surface

With an event shrouded in lots of mystery and looking like it was haphazardly arranged (the event was apparently announced very last minute) – Microsoft turned out something quite significant today. Much of the lead-up press for this announcement mentioned a tablet that may, or may not have Windows RT and may, or may not be called Xbox Surface. That was all clarified when a tablet simply named “Surface” was announced.