ScreenConnect, a remote access tool, allows you to host a server that enables remote support of client computers. Many of the best features of this software relate to giving you control over deployment and hosting. This would seem like the perfect fit for Amazon’s cloud server infrastructure. If what you wanted to do is run it on a lower-cost AMI (Amazon Machine Image) free-tier micro instance, here’s how to do that.
In any business, some form of competition is a way of life. Any company with clients will have to compete with the need for growth and profit, the difficulty in satisfying customers, and even internally. Over the years, however, I have learned that there are more dangerous threats to technology service companies than those mentioned. In an industry that moves so fast, and depends so much on the prevailing wind of customer choice – two challenges stand alone against the strength of a company: Disruption and Erosion. Let me explain.
Last week Amazon announced a new Android-based phone named “Fire Phone”. This ultra-super-secret phone was probably an inevitability, but until it was announced, nobody really knew for sure. If you thought this was shades of Facebook Home, you would be right. I thought I’d take a look at what’s good, and what’s bad about Amazon’s announcement.
Perhaps a daft move, but VMware Converter (sometimes called P2V or vCenter Converter) no longer allows you to script the creation of a machine image by way of the command line. In this article I’m going to go over a means of automating Converter so you can again use it for a backup.
One of the biggest pains for iPhone users tends to be when companies use interface conventions that vary from the standard iOS style. If you’re a user of the location tool in BBM, you may see an error “Can’t Access Location” even if location services are on. Here’s what to try.
I generally gush about how amazing this tool is – I’m perplexed as to why there isn’t a great version of this tool on OS X. It doesn’t make sense that an operating system so powerful is so woefully underserved in this regard. As a daily OS X user, you too may wonder what the hell is up with KeePass on OS X, so let’s take a look.
The super-difficult Flappy Bird iOS and Android app recently made a name for itself – spreading like wildfire and then disappearing. Even more interesting was the game’s developer taking the game down for seemingly unusual reasons. Flappy Bird is gone, but for those of you that did get it, the game lives on.
The guest blog request, and the subsequent posts, are used to build links from a more popular site to a less popular one, in an effort to gain traction with a search engine. Google appears ready to clamp down on this practice. Here’s what I think of the practice.
All users running Logmein Free options on mobile and desktop tools will receive a notification that they’ll have to upgrade to the “Pro” version or lose access within 7 days. Naturally, Logmein puts a spin on this, mentioning that they’ve offered the free product for 10 years, but many users are angry.
In all the iterative changes and interesting products, I felt there was one single standout; and it comes from a company that’s headed in the wrong direction. That standout product was the Blackberry Messenger (BBM) on iOS and Android.