I missed the most recent Apple event. Once I was able to take a closer look, I thought I’d offer some thoughts about what’s new and interesting from Apple.
A recent blog I posted about a company I can’t name doing a thing I can’t talk about – was entirely forced offline because of a legal threat. The threats keep coming; This time from what appeared to be a Multi-Level-Marketing firm named Leadership Team Development Inc. (LTD).
While I’ve heard reports about Cryptolocker, I hadn’t gotten my hands on a compute with it until today and I’ll share some of my observations.
Refresh, a simple contextual iOS application that gathers information on contacts from multiple sources based on the information it finds in your calendar; I expect we’ll hear much more about this idea in the coming months and years.
If you’re a remote control user, you’re likely familiar with the two-step process of opening a port, creating a gateway server and connecting. This keeps your need to open the network to a minimum while allowing access to all systems internally. Why don’t we have an open-source equivalent to this kind of tool?
Coming after the creation of a consumer service simply called TechXpert, one would presume this is working out for Rogers and thought it might be worth taking a look at TechXpert for Business might have in store
Today’s basics column covers the basic process of finding out your device’s serial number and model number.
The always interesting John Gruber offers The Case for a New Lower-Cost iPhone that brings up a number of great thoughts about what we’re all expecting in the next lower end phone named 5C.
I was happy to pay the $95.75 yearly charge for HotspotVPN. However, when I decided to cancel, the problems started. HotspotVPN has charged me $95.75 for something I didn’t want and seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.
Given an exaggerated need to switch devices often, I thought I would share some of the strategies I use to make sure I can pick up and move forward quickly.