
My Impressions Of The iPhone 5

This is the big boy of smartphones right now. It’s hard to think of a more desirable or lusted after device on the market (beyond the next iPhone itself). If you were looking for reviews, the web has them everywhere. The daunting task for any reviewer is to look at a device that is under such a huge microscope […]


The Cult Of Apple, Or Apple’s Free Ride

An article on New York Observer caught my interest for being a lot of things (despite meta). It truly does seems that all blogs are excessively covering anything Apple and, for that reason Ryan Holiday thinks Apple events: “…a staged pseudo-event where the lazy media and a powerful corporation conspire to pad each other’s coffers.” While I think that’s a tad […]


iPhone 5 Teardown

Something all geeks look forward too – seeing the iPhone 5 torn apart piece-by-piece. This is done by the ever reliable folks at iFixit (who also tore apart the new Apple EarPods). The biggest news is how easily the iPhone 5’s display can be replaced. The Teardown also mentioned a screen replacement on older phones: “Compare […]


The iOS 6 Maps Backlash

You might have heard something about this recently. In Apple’s new iOS version 6,  released in tandem with the iPhone 5, replaces the previously built-in Google mapping tool with Apple’s own tool. Many are angry with the missing details, poor mapping capabilities and, in some cases, incorrect directions.