
You’re Wrong, It’s Not Apple’s Fault [Path Address Book Scandal]

I do feel bad right now for all those users of Path on the iPhone that had address book details uploaded to Path’s servers stealthy and in the background. Consequently, this has cause Path’s current CEO to write a sincere apology blog and ultimately delete user data and update the Path application. As the fallout continues, I notice how much of the echo chamber is calling this a failure of Apple to secure user’s address book. Apple can be blamed for many things, but this is not Apple’s fault.


The War On Cyberlockers, Part 1

As many of you have heard, the file sharing service Megaupload.com has been shut down and owners of the service have been arrested in a large scale operation labelled “Mega Conspiracy”. What you find instead of Megaupload site now is an FBI takedown notice. This news has been widely circulated in major news outlets recently and comes just as many online protesters claimed a win after getting the U.S. Government to back off on SOPA.