
Facebook Pages Are Changing. Are you ready?

You may not have been aware, but today – Marc 30, 2012 – the Timeline feature become effective on all Facebook Pages. Although I’m sure Facebook doesn’t like to use the word “forced”, I’m sure you can figure out how things turn out if you don’t want the timeline. You might have noticed Calwell’s Facebook page was on timeline before the switch (you had the option to opt-in early), but I imagine many are just going to have the take the pain. Are you ready for these changes?


Review: Dell PowerEdge T310 Tower Server

Another day, another server to review. This time I’m looking at a tower server that is likely more of a small business powerhouse. This time, I would be replacing another Dell server that was long on years and short on reliability. While reviewing the PowerEdge T310 server, I’ll let you know what I liked, what wasn’t so great and provide any suggestions I have for Dell for general improvements.


One Incredible Secret To Success And Happiness

Recently I saw a movie that inspired much of this post. That movie is merely titled ↬Happy. In this documentary, the director takes us on a path of discovery looking for what makes people happy. I was pleasantly pleased at how this movie went all over the world looking for answers to that simple idea – but it even highlighted something I had thought about in the past too. There is this thing that I think is a secret to being successful and creating longevity for us and what we do – and finally the movie Happy give it a name.

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Blogger Updates The Platform

Not normally a news item, updates are something that happen to every type of software. Last night, however, Blogger (a popular blogging platform) updated a number of features and added a few others. I took a little time to go over what looks to have changed and here’s a list of what I’ve seen so far.