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Rules Of craigslist: For Sellers

You do, but you’re worried about the stories you’ve heard regarding fake electronics, bad buyers and shady people. In honor of the disclaimer craigslist attaches to every mail that comes in, I decided to create a more exhaustive list of rules to follow when buying and selling there. Using these rules as a guide, you’ll be more comfortable in the jungle that is Craigslist.


Basics: How To Repair A Water Damaged Phone Or Computer

Apparently, the most common way to destroy a phone is by dropping it into a toilet (though, you want to take “studies” with a grain of salt). If you’re a heavy mobile phone user, at some point you’ll drop your phone or device into some liquid substance at some point. I had the same thing happen to my laptop, and I wanted to share how I managed to return the laptop to a working state.


Good News: Teens Appear To Be Paying For Music More

I came across an interesting release today about teens and music consumption habits. Based on a study of 416 teens, Ipsos is concluding that “76% of Canadian teens have used a fee-based website” to download music – up from 52% in 2009. This is relevant in a number of ways, yes, but it’s also generally great news for the music industry that keeps carping for more tariffs on music storage devices. Many have said, repeatedly, that if the legal mechanisms are easier, people will gladly pay.