Want To Have An Easily Sharable vCard? Here’s How To Do It

he vCard is a small text file (usually with the file extension .VCF) that contains contact details in a specific format that mail and contact applications can easily read. often you see email clients such as Outlook automatically generating vCard files and attaching them to outgoing messages – but you want more than that. You want to share your vCard with anyone and everyone and don’t want to be limited to using Outlook to do that for you. Here’s how you do it.

2 MAJOR Things Microsoft Must Change In Its Flagship Products

Microsoft is a dominant player in two major software markets: Operating Systems (Windows) and Productivity Software (Office). This dominance, however, is being threatened on a number of fronts. Windows Vista was a major misstep for Microsoft and without Windows 7’s success, Mac and Linux derivatives would be gaining faster. With the changing market (resurgence of the Tablet), touch screens, and […]

Mobile Companies In Toronto – Where Does Your Money Go?

Choices, choices, choices. The landscape of phone service carriers has changed enormously over the last year. Over the time you read this article, the landscape will likely change again. This information is current as of September 2010. Thanks to a great deal of competition and a number of new carriers on the market – we have choices. Lots of Choices! I decided to give you an idea of which company owns which brand. See the infographic at left for more!

Why I Sold My iPad

I have a read a few blogs about why others have sold or returned their iPads and I really thought I should add my perspective into this mix. The iPad is the uber-popular tablet computing device created by Apple and sold in the bazillions. I purchased an iPad sometime in April and kept it until very recently. At some point I realized, all I was doing was using a more convenient (and fairly expensive) means of consuming content. Something I was already doing, but the iPad made the experience better. That was just something I decided I didn’t need any more. Oh, and I wanted the money too.

Is There A Way To Stop “Internet Broken Telephone”?

Broken Telephone. You’ve heard of that before right? When one person tells a story and the next person re-tells that same story, parts of it change. By the time many people have told the story – the most recent version you hear bears little or no resemblance to the original. You can certainly blame this on creative storytelling – but it’s clear that there is something very human about getting things wrong.