
BitCasa: A Review

As an early Beta invitee to Bitcasa, I was pretty excited. This new service promised the next evolution in online cloud storage – the unlimited space cloud storage. Because  was bound by a non-disclosure agreement – I couldn’t bring the details to you until the product was released fully. Also, since much of the time I’m spending with this is […]

Microsoft Surface Logo

Is Microsoft The King Of Confusion?

This seems nuts to me that a company of so many can do it, but it speaks of a trend I’ve been seeing with Microsoft’s products that culminated with the newly released Surface tablet. I’m simply just baffled by some of the choices that are made surrounding some of the products. It’s almost as if the world had run out of names and Microsoft was the first to find out. Let’s take a look at this mess on the eve of what is considered one of


Microsoft Reveals New Tablet Named Surface

With an event shrouded in lots of mystery and looking like it was haphazardly arranged (the event was apparently announced very last minute) – Microsoft turned out something quite significant today. Much of the lead-up press for this announcement mentioned a tablet that may, or may not have Windows RT and may, or may not be called Xbox Surface. That was all clarified when a tablet simply named “Surface” was announced.


Linking CWL – June 15th, 2012

Certainly, no one can breathe this week without hearing about Apple’s recent announcements. That news flooded the Internet, but it certainly wasn’t the only thing going on. Here are some of the interesting stuff I’ve come across recently. Do head to these sites and get involved in the discussion – you’ll be glad you did!


THAT great tool: Double Commander – A File Manager For Mac OS X

Clearly, a MAC OSX only tool is not being represented here. Well, for those fans of Total Commander (you know how I feel about that), I have a great OSX tool to show you today. This tool is a Open Source file manager created in the same light as Total Commander. As always, these tools are the kinds of utilities you’ll want to have access to every day if you’re a consultant or a power user.


Linking CWL – June 8, 2012

What a crazy week for security issues. If you have a password out there, this week you probably needed to change it. This week also saw the launch of a new chat service and more struggles for the faltering Blackberry maker, RIM. More on that and other news in this edition of Linking CWL.