
When Choice Is Not A Choice

As I was reading, I started feel somewhat uneasy, as if something was wrong with what I was reading. Someone from Microsoft was writing that choice is a good thing, and that we should choose to check out Internet Explorer 9 (IE9)? Really? Seriously, yes, go take a look for yourself. This is unusual in a number of ways, especially the “choice” of words. I really found myself more interested in what was missing from this article more than what was included.


Op-Ed: Why Gender Washrooms?

For as long as I have been alive, washrooms have been gendered in Canada. By that I mean they have been labelled with either “Men” or “Women”. What we all see is a a sign on the door indicating “Men” or “Women” with a small comic graphic indicating the specific gender the should use the washroom. I wanted to look at how odd this idea is, and what kind of issues that arise because of this gendering.