
Use Google Reader On Your iPad? Here’s How To Get Full Keyboard Support

You just got your shiny new iPad and plugged it in, you even hightailed it to the couch to relax while using it. Your WiFi connection is good, now it’s time to check out the news on trusty Google Reader. To your surprise Google Reader doesn’t support keyboard shortcuts, nor does it support the “sent to” menu. Until Google does, here’s how to do it (without having to install a paid iPad app).


Recovering data from Outlook OST files

If you look to Microsoft for the “Official” word on getting mail data out of the OST file, you’ll be met with “not possible” or “not supported” or some version of those words. In the world of IT, when you need to get at user’s mail data – “not possible” is not going to cut it. Here’s how you can get some (or all) the mail data out of OST files.


New And Interesting Tools – #1

This could be an ongoing theme, I suspect. The sheer volume of tools and tools I see just scream out to be discovered by someone just like you. I come across so many, I’ve decided to start sharing some of them. I have found a bunch more that you should take a look at when you have a chance. I should also note – I tend to gravitate towards free tools – but if, for some reason a tool is not free – I will point that out and fill you in on pricing details.


iPad In Canada: Take Two: The Pre-Release Edition

After my last, short experience with a iPad, I really wanted to get my hands on another one. Having only 24 hours to work with the last time, didn’t give me the time to really sink my teeth into using this thing. This time, I might even have it permanently. In fact, I will type this entire blog on this new iPad to really get a feel for how well the iPad keyboard works and feels.