
Switching Email On A Blackberry To Google Apps (Gmail)

I have long used a blackberry address ( that connected to my phone directly and then forwarded email messages to the phone from the various accounts that I held. Since moving to Google Apps more than a year ago I have noticed a number of improvements to the Blackberry Internet Server(BIS) and Google Apps Servers. I have decided today I would make the switch and show you how it goes.


CONTEST (2010) Update: A Winner Has Been Chosen!

It has been a few weeks and this contest has finally come to an end. I reached out to everyone to guess the amount in my change jar. During this process, I realized this wasn’t an easy task either. In the beginning I had expected a perfect guess. Seriously, I really thought someone would give me the exact amount. While this was certainly possible – it turned out that none of the guesses I received were exactly right.