
2 MAJOR Things Microsoft Must Change In Its Flagship Products

Microsoft is a dominant player in two major software markets: Operating Systems (Windows) and Productivity Software (Office). This dominance, however, is being threatened on a number of fronts. Windows Vista was a major misstep for Microsoft and without Windows 7’s success, Mac and Linux derivatives would be gaining faster. With the changing market (resurgence of the Tablet), touch screens, and […]

Soluto Logo

First Impressions – Soluto [Updated]

What Soluto intends to do is allow the user to focus on the boot process, identify what applications are slowing down a computer and then let the user improve this by disabling certain items. Soluto has also embarked on creating what’s called the PC Genome which looks to map problems and solutions in a large database allowing for future streamlining of the solution process.

Windows Easy Transfer

What The Next Version Windows Needs To FIX To Remain Relevant: Migration

What Microsoft effectively did was force millions of loyal product faithful to use their “Easy Migration” tool. Sure, easy, but a guarantee that most users understand how Microsoft really sucks. Don’t think this a major fail by Microsoft? The fact is, you may not even know what you’re missing if you haven’t seen what’s possible otherwise. The answer is in the process of migration on both platforms. Let’s take a look.